Aquamation FAQs

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Aquamation FAQs

At Heart With Wings, trained technicians who are skilled in performing aquamations will gently place your pet’s body into the aquamation chamber. Families can trust that their pet is in caring hands during the entire end of life process.

What is aquamation?

At Heart With Wings, we use the gentle process of Aquamation. Aquamation is an environmentally friendly alternative to cremation or burial. It uses water to return the pet back to nature, through the process of hydrolysis. This is the same process that occurs naturally when a pet is buried, only this is an accelerated process.

Aquamation is considered to be the green alternative because there are no releases of greenhouse gases, carbon monoxide, mercury, which occurs in flame-based cremation or traditional burial.

The gentle process takes approximately 20 hours. At the end of the process, the water or effluent left over is not only safe, but it is also beneficial and can be used for fertilizer, or as an excellent micro-nutrient package that benefits water treatment plants. Our water is returned back to nature via the water treatment plant, where it is purified, filtered, and recycled back to the earth.

You can learn more about aquamation by watching this video.

Are the powdered cremains or ashes safe to handle?
Similar to cremation, the only solid remains are the mineral ash of the bones. The ash is a light sage or white color because it retains more minerals, is clean, and without carbon discolouration. The bone fragments are processed into a powdered consistency after the aquamation process is complete and then dried for several more days, then you receive remains just like you would with flame-based cremation. Because the process is so gentle families will receive an additional 20% of their loved ones’ remains in comparison to flame-based cremation.
Are the alkali’s used in aquamation safe for the environment?

Only 5 % of the solution is alkalis, the rest is simply water. At the end of the 20 hour process, all of the alkali mineral has been used up.

What are the benefits of aquamation?
  • Carbon footprint that is 1/10th that of fire-based cremation
    • Uses 90% less natural gas
    • Reduces more than 90% of carbon emissions
    • Conserves more than 66% more electricity
    • 100% mercury-free
    • Uses 95% less energy than fire cremation
    • 20% more remains returned back to the family
How do I know the ashes returned to me are my pet?
We started offering cremation services to ensure that the families we help receive dignified and compassionate care for their pets. We are all pet parents ourselves and understand how important it is to be able to trust the people caring for your loved ones. We use the same tracking system that is used by human funeral facilities. Each pet is identified with a metal tag upon arrival. This unique tag follows your pet from start to finish and is checked and confirmed at each stage of the process
What if my vet does not offer aquamation services?

If your vet does not currently offer aquamation as an aftercare option you can request it directly from them or have them contact us. You are also welcome to contact us directly at 705-309-2956 or [email protected] to discuss pick-up and aftercare options.

What is the difference between cremation and aquamation?
Cremation uses fire and is an oxidative process, while aquamation is using water and is a reductive process. Aquamation is essentially an accelerated process of what takes place during the natural process of decomposition.
Can my pet’s favourite toy or blanket be aquamated with my pet?

Aquamation is only an acceleration of what Mother Nature does, and as a result, only 100% organic items can be included in the actual process — special food treats, flowers, etc. are all fine. We suggest that toys or pieces of a favorite blanket be placed in the urn. We are also happy to keep toys or blankets with your pet until the actual process. We will then return them to you if previously requested.

What Should I Do if My Pet Dies at Home?

The most important thing to remember when a pet passes at home is to keep their body as cool and dry as possible and away from other pets.

  • As soon as possible, following the passing of your pet, it’s best to place pee pads, old towels/blankets, or plastic under the pet’s head and rear end as they may begin losing fluids.
  • It is okay to wrap the body in the pet’s favorite blanket or place them in their bed.
  • If your pet passes outside our normal business hours, there is little risk to keeping the body for up to 24 hours in your home if your companion is kept cool and dry.